
This is a picture a friend created for me of all nine of my books.  Two of the books, "Never Give Up" and "Marriage of the Heart" are also available in German.  There are two titles yet to be completed.  "For You, Out of the Abundance of My Heart" is currently being edited and prepared for the publisher.  "Divine Humility" is still being written and will be available soon.  We are currently working on switching the books to another publisher and will try to make them available to you in eBook format as soon as we can.  It has taken over 20 years to write all of the books, and I am looking forward to them being available to you soon!
We have encountered a problem with the publisher that had been helping us with eBook and Print on Demand books.  This is a recent discovery.  We are working to get all of Aaron's books available to you and will work on eBook format first.  Please contact us if you wish to order a copy of the book before we are able to get updates here for you to read.  Thank you!
Divine Humility
Our Creations
Marriage of the Heart
Our dear friend Helga is also going to be translating the books into German for us.
"Never Give Up" is now available in German.
Never Give Up

The Sutras of Pure Compassion


The Sacred Chakras -

Living Life Without Limitations


The Maturing of the Human Heart & Soul


For You, Out of the Abundance of My Heart


The Essence of Compassion

Dosha Test